HC Deb 16 May 1939 vol 347 cc1214-5W
Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is now able to state when His Majesty's Government intends to take action to limit the importation of Norwegian herring in competition with herring available from our own industry?

Mr. Stanley

There is at present no prospect of negotiations for amendment of the Trade Agreement with Norway, which contains undertakings regarding Norwegian herring; but, should such negotiations take place at any time, the interests of the United Kingdom industry will certainly be borne in mind.

Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he has any information as to the results of the recent visit to the Baltic States of trade representatives of the herring industry?

Mr. Stanley

I am informed that the Herring Industry Board are hopeful that improved trade may result from the contacts made by their representatives in the course of their visit to the Baltic States and Finland. The actual results will, however, depend upon a number of factors which cannot be foreseen, such as the price and quality of the herring catch.