§ Mr. R. Gibsonasked the Minister of Transport what were the casualties resulting from road accidents during the last Safety Week, and the corresponding figures for the corresponding weeks in each of the two preceding months; and whether he has any statement to make with regard to the organisation of Safety Week?
§ Captain WallaceI presume that the hon. and learned Member is referring to a Safety Week held under the auspices of the National Safety First Association throughout Scotland during the week beginning the nth June. Returns of road accidents are rendered monthly and do not show the number of accidents week by week. I regret that I am, therefore, unable to give the hon. and learned Member the information he requires.
As regards the last part of the question, I welcome the action of the Scottish Safety First Council, in co-operation with the local authorities, in organising this Safety Week. If the hon. and learned Member has any particular point on which he desires detailed information, I shall be glad to see if I can obtain it for him.
§ Mr. Sorensenasked the Minister of Transport in how many accidents in which motor vehicles were involved in the Metropolitan Area for the year ended 31st December, 1938, one or more of the vehicles involved came to rest" partially or wholly on a public footpath; and whether he is taking or will take, any further steps to reduce this kind of risk to pedestrians?
§ Captain WallaceRecords of accidents in the Metropolitan Police Division are kept by the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, who tells me that the information asked for by the hon. Member is not available, and that there are no sources from which it could be compiled with any degree of accuracy. I do not know what further practicable steps could be taken to reduce this risk to pedestrians, but if the hon. Member has any suggestions to make, I shall be glad to consider them.