Mr. GarroJones asked the President of the Board of Trade what were the import figures of granite of all kinds during each of the last five years?
Description. Quantity. Declared Value. 1934. 1935. 1936. 1937. 1938. 1934. 1935. 1936. 1937. 1938. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Raw granite in blocks. 17,304 16,042 15,775 19,422 19,213 56 54 49 61 65 Crushed macadam and chippings of granite. 277,682 298,437 309,831 314,471 308,093 148 159 165 173 174 Granite wholly or mainly manufactured: Pavement kerbs Setts 82,376 62,307 55,850 48,098 35,190 172 139 152 141 109 8,878 4,698 4,503 5,786 16 9 8 10 Sawn or planed on one or two sides only but not further worked. 8,091 46 6 13 155 210 (a) (a) (a) 2 Dressed, polished, carved or otherwise worked. 9,431 13,759 11,490 11,880 255 365 321 343 Other descriptions 261 263 107 111 524 6 2 1 1 3 (a) Under £500. Note. —The figures for 1938 are provisional.