HC Deb 20 June 1939 vol 348 cc2032-3W
Dr. Guest

asked the Secretary of State for War what steps are being taken to ensure that the food supplied to militiamen will contain all the factors necessary to a balanced diet to maintain and improve nutrition?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

Militiamen will have the same ration scale and the same cooking and messing arrangements as the Regular Army.

Dr. Guest

asked the Minister of Labour what are the standards of physical fitness demanded for the four classes of militiamen when they are medically examined?

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

The four grades in which men are placed after medical examination are:

  1. Grade I.—Men who, subject only to such minor disabilities as can be remedied or adequately compensated by artificial means, attain the full normal standard of health and strength, and are capable of enduring physical exertion suitable to their age.
  2. Grade II.— Those who, while suffering from disabilities disqualifying them for Grade I, do not suffer from progressive organic disease, have fair hearing and vision, are of moderate muscular development, and are able to undergo a considerable amount of physical exertion not involving severe strain.
  3. Grade III.—Those who present such marked physical disabilities or evidence of past disease that they are not fit for the amount of exertion required for Grade II.
  4. Grade IV.—Those who suffer from progressive organic disease or are for other reasons permanently incapable of 2033 the kind or degree of exertion required for Grade III. These men are unfit for any form of service.