Mr. Creech Jonesasked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what recent steps His Majesty's Government has agreed to for bringing Trans-Jordan nearer independent government?
Mr. M. MacDonaldAs a result of discussions which I recently had in London with the Chief Minister of Trans-Jordan, His Majesty's Government have agreed in principle to the following matters which they believe will contribute effectively to the further progress of Trans-Jordan towards the goal of independence:
- (1) The formation, in place of the present Executive Council in Trans-Jordan, of a Council of Ministers or Cabinet, each member of which will be in charge of a Department and will be responsible to the Amir.
431 - (2) The deletion from Article 10 of the Agreement between His Britannic Majesty and the Amir of Trans-Jordan dated the 20th February, 1928, of the paragraph in which the Amir undertakes not to raise or maintain in Trans-Jordan, or to allow to be raised or maintained, any military forces without the consent of His Britannic Majesty.
- (3) The relaxation of the close control hitherto exercised by His Majesty's Government over details of finance and administration, and the introduction of a scheme which will obviate the necessity of referring minor financial matters to the Secretary of State. The object of this relaxation will be to increase the authority and responsibility of the Government of Trans-Jordan and its officials.
- (4) The appointment by the Amir of Trans-Jordan of Consuls in certain neighbouring Arab States, on the understanding that these representatives will confine themselves to consular duties.
- (5) The replacement, as and when possible, of seconded Palestinian officials by Trans-Jordanians.