HC Deb 05 July 1939 vol 349 c1314W
Mr. Parker

asked the Secretary of State for War whether there is any correspondence between any of the four grades for the Regular Army, horse and foot, mechanised, motor transport, and lines of communication, and Grades I and II for the Militia?

Sir V. Warrender

Grades I and II of the Militia cover approximately the four grades of the Regular Army.

Mr. Parker

asked the Minister of Labour whether he can state the number of men and the regions from which they are drawn who, although rejected from the Regular Army on medical and/or physical grounds, have now been passed under Grade I and Grade II, respectively, of the Militia?

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

No, Sir, this information is not available.

Sir W. Edge

asked the Minister of Labour how many young men accepted for military training are unemployed; and whether, in all cases where it would help them in their attempts to establish themselves to be called up at once, he will assist them to do so?

Mr. E. Brown

The available statistics do not enable me to reply to the first part of the question; the reply to the second part is in the affirmative.