HC Deb 27 February 1939 vol 344 c920W
Sir G. Fox

asked the Minister of Health when he anticipates that he will have sufficient information to show the results of the census of billeting accommodation in the different counties; and whether the response so far received comes up to expectations?

Mr. Bernays

In view of the need for examining the returns it may be some little time before my right hon. Friend can make a complete statement as to the results of the survey, but he hopes to be in a position to make some reference to this matter during the Debate on the Supplementary Estimates for Air-Raid Pre cautionary Services.

Mr. Parker

asked the Minister of Health what steps are being taken to assure that water supplies and sewage, in evacuation reception areas, will be adequate to deal with the considerably increased demand upon them, and in particular, whether it is proposed to increase and extend piped supplies in such reception areas?

Mr. Bernays

In the evacuation arrangements, steps will be taken to avoid areas where insuperable difficulties are likely to arise on account of water supply or drainage. It is not considered that the number of such areas will be large. My right hon. Friend is not at present satisfied that there is a case for grant from national funds for the purpose of improving water supply or drainage in rural areas as part of the evacuation scheme. Representations, however, have been made to my right hon. Friend in the matter by the county councils and rural district councils associations, and he is seeing a deputation from them on 7th March.