HC Deb 16 February 1939 vol 343 cc1942-3W
Sir R. Glyn

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he will consider the establishment in the Special Areas of reconditioning centres, on the lines of those at Scarborough and Aldershot, so as to enable young men unemployed but willing to join the Army to have the opportunity of becoming physically qualified to pass the required medical standards; and whether he will consult with the Ministry of Labour as to the best means of making it known that these facilities will be made available?

Sir V. Warrender

Any man in a distressed area offering himself for enlistment, if he is below standard and the examining medical officer considers that he is likely to respond to the training, is sent to one of the existing Recruits' Physical Development Depots at Canterbury and Scarborough, where there is ample accommodation. Both depots have been established in healthy places, where the recruits can benefit by the fresh air.