HC Deb 06 April 1939 vol 345 cc3039-42W
Mr. David Adams

asked the Lord Privy Seal whether it is his intention to arrange a test black-out for Tyneside and, if so, the approximate date of the same?

Sir J. Anderson

I understand that the local authorities concerned are considering the question of holding a black-out in the Tyneside area at a date to be fixed later.

Mr. David Adams

asked the Lord Privy Seal whether a decision has now been reached as to the provision of deep bomb-proof shelters for the defence of industrial populations required to remain at or near their employment during war emergency?

Sir J. Anderson

On the general question of shelter in industrial and commercial establishments, I can only refer the hon. Member to what I said in the course of the Debate on the Civil Defence Bill. On the question of deep or heavily protected shelters, I hope to be in a position to make a full statement shortly after the Easter Recess.

Mr. Parker

asked the Lord Privy Seal what is the position of almshouses in London in relation to the provision of airraid shelters; and whether he is satisfied that in every case there are persons responsible for making this provision?

Sir J. Anderson

The responsibility for the provision of air-raid shelter rests, in the case of institutions endowed by private charity upon the governing body of the institution, and in the case of institutions provided by local authorities, upon the local authority. I am not informed of the measures taken in each individual case, but I have no reason to suppose that in general the authorities are not alive to their responsibilities in this matter.

Mr. W. Roberts

asked the Lord Privy Seal whether he can state when a supply of gas masks will be available for the county of Cumberland?

Sir J. Anderson

I have thought it right to retain a number of respirators as a reserve for urban areas which may be more exposed to risk of air attack, and have kept in reserve for this purpose respirators which would otherwise have been distributed to some of the more distant or more rural areas. I have, however, given instructions that the position of industrial areas within the county of Cumberland shall be further examined.

Mr. R. Gibson

asked the Lord Privy Seal how many Scottish local authorities have submitted schemes for deep shelters; whether he has brought to the notice of such authorities the scheme submitted to him by the Finsbury Borough Council; and whether he has submitted to his technical advisers the matter of utilisation for air-raid precautions purposes of deep railway tunnelling such as exists in the Greenock areas?

Sir J. Anderson

I have received certain proposals from the burgh of Dundee and have approved them in principle. The city of Edinburgh asked for an expression of my views upon some suggestions for the construction of underground shelter in the city, and were advised not to incur any expenditure in this connection pending an announcement on the general question. No other Scottish authority appears to have formally submitted deep shelter schemes. The answer to the second part of the question is in the negative. As regards the last part of the question, I am ready, as I said in my reply to the hon. and learned Member on 16th February to give consideration to any proposals that the burgh of Greenock may submit.