HC Deb 29 November 1938 vol 342 cc260-1W
Sir L. Smith

asked the Minister of Labour what is the retail price of sugar in this country at the present time and how this compares with that obtaining in France, Holland, Germany, Italy, and the United States of America?

Mr. E. Brown

The average retail price of granulated sugar in Great Britain and Northern Ireland at 1st November, 1938, the latest date for which this information has been collected, was 2½. per lb. As

Retail Prices of Sugar in France, Germany, Holland, Italy and the United States of America.
Country. Kind of Sugar. Unit. Retail Price. Date to which price relates.
France (Paris) Lump (Sucre scié) Kilogramme 5.25 francs October, 1938(average for month).
Germany (Berlin) Coarse crushed household (Melis, gemahlter, Haushalts-zucker). Kilogramme 74 Pfennigs 19th October, 1938
Germany (Vienna) Lump (Wiirfelzucker) Kilogramme 84 pfennigs
Holland (Amsterdam) Granulated (Kristal melis). Half Kilogramme. 23 cents 30th September, 1938.
Moist (Eng. basterd) Half Kilogramme. 25 cents and 26 cents.
Brown (Donker-bruine). Half Kilogramme. 25 cents and 28 cents.
Italy (Rome) Refined (Raffinato, semolato). Kilogramme 6.55 lira 1st October, 1938.
United States of America (average of 51 towns) (Not specified) Pound 5.3 cents (for sales in units of 10-lb each). 12th July, 1938.