HC Deb 28 June 1938 vol 337 c1736W
Mr. Erskine Hill

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether it is the policy of the Department of Health for Scotland to encourage the utilisation of sites left after the clearing of condemned buildings for rebuilding new houses to rehouse working-class families displaced from the condemned buildings or other working-class families; and, if so, how many such schemes are being developed, or are contemplated, in Edinburgh at the present time?

Mr. Colville

Yes, Sir. I am informed that there are 14 cleared sites of varying areas in Edinburgh on which the Corporation are erecting, or propose to erect, houses. On 10 of these sites it is estimated that over 400 houses will be built.

Mr. Erskine Hill

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland (1) how many new houses are required to replace unfit houses in Edinburgh; how many houses were built for these purposes during 1935, 1936, and 1937; and how many it is estimated will be built for these purposes during the current year;

(2) what is the percentage of overcrowded houses in Edinburgh; and how long it will take to eliminate overcrowding at the present rate of building?

Mr. Colville

The report on the overcrowding survey carried out by the Corporation in the winter of 1935, which contains the latest information available on the subject, shows that 18.4 per cent. of the fit houses in the city were overcrowded, and that 13,594 new houses were required to put an end to overcrowding and to replace unfit houses. For these two purposes the Corporation completed 858 houses in 1935, 402 in 1936, and 618 in 1937, and they expect to complete about 'moo in 1938.