HC Deb 22 June 1938 vol 337 cc1115-6W
Mr. Kirby

asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster on what lines the reconstruction of the advisory committee for the city of Liverpool was made, what changes in personnel have taken place, and can be give his reasons for making such changes in view of the good record of public service rendered by the old committee?

Earl Winterton

Owing to vacancies caused by deaths and resignation I had to decide whether to make additions to or to reconstruct the old committee. I recognise the public service rendered by the members of this committee, but I felt it my duty to reconstruct it, a course which is not unusual in Lancashire. I have accordingly invited the following to form the new committee, Miss E. E. Banister, Lieut.-Colonel Albert Buckley, Mr. E. J. Deane, Mr. A. N. Denaro, Mr. J. R. Hobhouse, Sir Sydney Jones, Mr. F. T. Richardson and the hon. and gallant Member for the Exchange Division of Liverpool; all have accepted. Of these Colonel Buckley, Mr. J. R. Hobhouse and Sir Sydney Jones were members of the old committee. The new committee will, in my judgment, be thoroughly representative of the public life of the City and of the various shades of opinion within it; furthermore it will be numerically more in accord with the committees in the rest of Lancashire.