HC Deb 09 February 1938 vol 331 c1061W
Miss Wilkinson

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether any reply has yet been received from General Franco to the representations made regarding the bombing of civilians in towns behind the fighting lines?

Mr. Eden

As I informed the House on 7th February, His Majesty's Government have taken certain initiatives with regard to the general question of aerial bombardments in Spain. Until I know the result of these initiatives, which I hope to do very shortly, I have no further statement to make.

Mr. McGovern

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he will adopt the system of convoy for all British ships carrying legitimate cargoes to Spanish Government territory in order to protect the lives of British seamen?

Mr. Cooper

No, Sir, not at present. It is hoped that the measures which are now being taken for the protection of shipping will prove sufficient.