HC Deb 09 November 1937 vol 328 cc1606-7W
Mr. David Adams

asked the Secretary for Mines whether he is aware that in many collieries in the United States there is in operation a system of bonus payments by the owners to the overseers and workmen in particular sections of their pits which are kept free from accidents for certain periods, in order to encourage safety in working; and whether he will examine this system and consider the desirability of calling the attention of mine-owners in this country to the same?

Captain Wallace

I have been asked to reply. Yes, Sir. My hon. and gallant Friend is aware that bonuses of various kinds, including in some cases cash payments, are offered by certain colliery companies in the United States of America to overseers and workmen in order to reward safety in working. Such inducements are offered at a few collieries in this country, and, while my hon. and gallant Friend is doubtful whether the adoption of such a system is of much value unless it forms part of some wider scheme of co-operation between owners and workers for the prevention of accidents, he proposes to examine the question further.