HC Deb 29 July 1937 vol 326 c3327W
Mr. G. Hall

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he will make a statement showing the number of new industries which have been assisted by grants from the Special Areas Reconstruction Association, the Nuffield Trust, or by Government grant; and the location of these industries, together with the amount of assistance given, and the total capital of each enterprise, with the kind of trade to be carried on in each case?

Sir J. Simon

I am not in a position to give any information as to the work

Area. Number of cases. Amount of loans agreed to be made by the Association. Amount of capital to be found from other sources.
£ £
Durham and Tyneside 19 1110,500 172,850
Cumberland 5 26,650 21,500
South Wales 9 102,000 277,750
Scotland 6 32,500 50,500
Totals 40 £271,650 £1522,600

The Treasury has so far agreed to make four loans under the provisions of Section 6 (i) 00(a) of the Special Areas (Amendment) Act, 1937, totalling £522,500; the capital to be found from other sources for the undertakings concerned amounts to £1,417,500.

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