HC Deb 21 July 1937 vol 326 c2231W
Mr. Kirby

asked the Minister of Labour (1) whether he is aware that the Liverpool public assistance committee are likely to incur a deficit of approximately £400,000 in the current year and that the greater portion of this amount is to be incurred in maintaining able-bodied unemployed persons who it was anticipated would be taken over by the Unemployment Assistance Board; and can he take steps to expedite the transfer of such persons to the care of the Unemployment Assistance Board in accordance with the past assurances of the Government;

{2) whether he can make a statement to the House on the subject of the interview he had on 20th July with representatives of local authorities in special and distressed areas, stating what was the case put forward by the deputation; and what steps he proposes to take to remove their grievances?

Mr. E. Brown

I received yesterday a deputation from certain local authorities, including Liverpool, which made representations regarding the scope of the Unemployment Assistance Board. Their representations will be the subject of my careful consideration.