HC Deb 15 July 1937 vol 326 cc1494-5W
Mr. J. Griffiths

asked the Secretary for Mines whether any of His Majesty's divisional inspectors have made any recommendations to him in respect of the strip system of packing now widely adopted in coal mines where coal is mechanically conveyed; whether he has considered the issuing of regulations to prohibit this method of packing; and, if not, whether he will consider making such regulations?

Captain Crookshank

The divisional inspector for the Cardiff Division has made recommendations adverse to strip packing and in favour of solid stowing at collieries in that division, but I am advised that, in general, it would not be advisable or practicable to prohibit strip packing. The question of packing is being considered by the Royal Commission now sitting, and pending their recommendations I do not propose to take further action.

Great Britain.
Million Statute Tons.
Year. Estimated Quantity of coal disposable commercially. Coal shipped abroad (including foreign bunkers and the coal-equivalent of coke and manufactured fuel). Balance available for inland disposal (including Northern Ireland).
1929 239.3 82.1 157.2
1930 222.5 75.1 147.4
1931 203.4 61.6 141.8
1932 192.2 57.1 135.1
1933 191.5 56.7 134.8
1934 204.9 57.1 147.8
1935 206.4 55.5 150.9
1936 212.0 50.3 161.7
January-May, 1937 93.6* 21.7 71.9*
Million Statute Tons.
Year. Production. Exports (including bunkers for foreign ships and the coal-equivalent of coke and coal briquettes). Balance available for inland disposal.
1929 174.2 46.8 127.4
1930 153.5 40.8 112.7
1931 128.0 36.6 91.4
1932 113.3 30.6 82.7
1933 118.4 30.6 87.8
1934 134.0 35.3 98.7
1935 142.5 36.4 106.1
1936 155.9 38.4 117.5
January-May, 1937* 72.7 20.6 52.1

* Provisional.

Since 18th February, 1935, the Saar has been included in the German Customs Union and since 1st March, 1935, the Saar coal mines have been under German administration. For the purpose of comparison the coal production in the Saar together with exports from the Saar to countries other than Germany are included and exports to the Saar from Germany are excluded.

Note.—No account has been taken of imports or changes in stock.