HC Deb 02 December 1937 vol 329 cc2275-6W
Mr. W. Roberts

asked the Minister of Health (I) whether in the new Housing Bill he will provide that the subsidies should be paid not only to rural district councils but also direct to any farm worker who undertakes to build or get built an approved house for his own occupation, subject to the condition that if his occupation ceases the house must continue to be let to farm workers at a rent not exceeding 4s. a week or be disposed of subject to that restriction;

(2) whether, in spite of the recommendation of the Rural Housing Committee, he will arrange that the subsidy for houses in rural districts shall continue for a longer period than five years, as a shorter period will tend to drive up building costs; and whether, in view of the urgent need for houses for farm workers, he will take steps to ensure that, if the rural district council makes default in providing such houses where the need is shown to exist, the county council may be instructed by the Ministry to provide the necessary houses?

Sir K. Wood

I am not yet in a position to announce the details of the Government's proposals for the improvement of rural housing conditions but the hon. Member's suggestions will receive my careful consideration.

Mr. De Chair

asked the Minister of Health whether any new legislation to stimulate the building of cottages in rural areas, in addition to the provisions of the Slum Clearance, Overcrowding, and Rural Workers Housing Acts, is contemplated during the present Session for England and Wales?

Mr. W. Roberts

asked the Minister of Health whether he has noted that, with the present cost of building in many areas, the existing subsidies in the case of slum clearance or overcrowding do not enable rural district councils to build houses for farm workers to be let at 4s. a week, inclusive of rates; and whether in the new Housing Bill he will provide a new additional subsidy, so that in the specific case of farm workers such houses may be built to be let at rents not exceeding the figure above stated?

Sir K. Wood

As I announced in reply to questions by my hon. Friends the Members for St. Albans (Sir F. Fremantle) and Evesham (Mr. De la Bère) on 28th October, I propose to introduce in the near future a Bill to make further Exchequer assistance available towards the erection of houses for the agricultural population.

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