HC Deb 14 May 1936 vol 312 cc573-4W

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that on Saturday, 25th April, the customary open-air meeting of the National Unemployed Workers Movement held at Cleveland Park Avenue, Walthamstow, was forcibly concluded by the police in order that a meeting of Fascists could be held instead; and whether he will give instructions that organisations accustomed to hold meetings at a particular pitch shall not suffer interference by the police in favour of other organisations?


My attention was first called to this matter on the 30th April when certain statements were submitted to me from persons who were present at the meeting on the 25th April. I immediately communicated with the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis and asked that a special inquiry should be made into all the circumstances.

I have carefully considered the reports which I have now received from the commissioner, and, though there is some conflict of evidence in regard to sonic of the details, I have come to the conclusion, in which the Commissioner of Police concurs, that on this occasion the police made an error of judgment in interfering with the meeting of the National Unemployed Workers' Movement. I am sure the House will recognise that the duties of the police in dealing with competitive claims for the same meeting ground are very difficult; and that it is sometimes easier to form a wise judgment after than before the event.

I am satisfied that the error was due not to any element of favouritism but solely to the mistaken belief that, because the Fascists had publicly advertised their intention to hold a meeting at Cleveland Park Avenue on that evening and had informed the police of their intention, the Fascists had a prior right to the meeting place. There is, however, no right to reserve in advance sites for meetings in the public thoroughfares, and steps are being taken by the commissioner to give further directions to his force which it is hoped will avoid the repetition of any similar incident in future.