HC Deb 31 March 1936 vol 310 cc1835-6W

asked the Home Secretary (1) what departmental committees are now considering aspects of the existing provisions for workmen's compensation; and whether their terms of reference permit them to recommend such changes in the law and the medical arrangements as would bring British practice into conformity with the International Labour Convention of 1925 concerning workmen's compensation for industrial accidents;

(2) what alterations would be required in British legislation in order to bring it into conformity with the International Convention of 1925 concerning workmen's compensation for industrial accidents?


There is a Home Office Committee considering the question of compensation for nystagmus, medical procedure in the case of accidents and the scheduled diseases generally, and lump sum settlements; and there is another committee which considers questions of scheduling further industrial diseases under the Act. Other committees whose enquiries have some bearing on Workmen's Compensation provisions are the Board of Trade Com mittee on the law relating to the carrying on of insurance business and the proposed inter-departmental committee on the restoration of the working capacity of persons injured in industrial, road and other accidents. The law and medical arrangements of this country could not be brought into conformity with the Convention without great changes which would involve questions far beyond the scope of these committees. It would not be possible without a special investigation to say exactly what changer would be required by the various Articles in the draft Convention, but the most important would be the introduction of compulsory insurance or some other system for ensuring, in accordance with Article 11, the payment of the compensation in all circumstances in the event of the employer's insolvency. Important changes affecting the statue of the voluntary hospitals would also be involved, for the purpose of giving workmen a right to surgical treatment in accordance with Article 9.