HC Deb 17 March 1936 vol 310 cc255-6W
Captain PLUGGE

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he can state the number of cases of influenza or similar complaints which have occurred within the last month in the Brompton Barracks, Chatham; what has been the death roll; and why in the case of normal colds the mortality has been relatively high?


During the last month there have been 25 cases of influenza, five

of persons in receipt of transitional payments in each Employment Exchange area in the county of Cumberland, with the weekly cost of benefit, during the three months ended December, 1934, and December, 1935, respectively, and the cost had ordinary insurance benefits applied?


pursuant to his reply (OFFICIAL RETORT, 5th March, 1936; cols. 1592–3, Vol. 309) supplied the following statement:

Statement showing the average number of transitional payments and the average amount paid weekly at local offices of the Ministry of Labour in the county of Cumberland in the three months ended 28th December, 1934, and corresponding figures in respect of unemployment allowances for the three mouths ended 27th December, 1935.

of pneumonia, three of bronchitis and 198 of common cold at Brompton Barracks, Chatham. Four deaths have occurred, three being the result of bronchopneumonia, influenzal in origin, and the other of lobar-pneumonia. Every possible precaution has beer taken to prevent the spreading of the outbreak, and reports show that, since the beginning of this month, there has been a steady reduction in the number of admissions to hospital and of barrack treatment.