HC Deb 02 March 1936 vol 309 cc1017-8W

asked the President of the Board of Trade the composition of the committee which is to inquire into fixed trusts?


The following is the composition of the Departmental Committee which I am appointing to inquire into fixed trusts in all their aspects and to report what action, if any, is desirable in the public interest:

  • Sir Alan Anderson, G.B.E. (Chairman), hon. Member for the City of London.
  • Sir Thomas J. Barnes, C.B.E., His Majesty's Procurator-General and Treasury Solicitor.
  • Mr. Harold G. Brown, LL.B., Vice-Chairman of the Board of Governors of the British Broadcasting Corporation.
  • Sir H. Ernest Fass, C.B., O.B.E., Public Trustee.
  • Mr. H. D. Henderson, Research Fellow in Economics, All Souls College, Oxford.

Gross Capital Expenditure. Amounts written off to Revenue during; the year and cash received for sale of Equipment, etc. Net Capital Expenditure.
£ £ £
For period to 31st December, 1929 538,183 538,183
For year ended 31st December, 1930 1,488,834 1,488,834
For year ended 31st December, 1931 233,325 233,325
For year ended 31st December, 1932 14,811 3,908 10,903
For year ended 31st December, 1933 50,828 7,771 43.057
For year ended 31st December, 1934 31,641 7,391 24,250
2,357,622 19,070 2,338,552

The Capital Expenditure amounting to £2,357,622 gross includes an amount of

Mr. E. H. Lever, F.I.A., Joint Secretary of the Prudential Assurance Company, Limited.

Mr. C. U. Peat, M.C., hon. Member for Darlington.

Mr. F. W. Pethick-Lawrence, hon. Member for Edinburgh, East.

Mr. Gavin T. Simonds, K.C.

Mr. R. P. Wilkinson, Member of the General Purposes Committee of the Stock Exchange.