HC Deb 20 July 1936 vol 315 cc51-2W

asked the Minister of Labour how many training centres for unemployed men, women, girls, and juveniles there were in operation in England and Wales as at the last convenient date; and the average number of persons attending them during the week to which the date given is comparable?


The following statement shows the number of training centres for unemployed men, women and juveniles, conducted by, or on behalf of, the Ministry of Labour at the latest date for which figures are available, together with the number of persons in attendance at that date.

England and Wales No. of Centres. No. of Trainees.
Government Training Centres for men over 18 years of age 9 4,448
Preparatory Training Centre for men over 18 years of age 1 135
Instructional Centres (including Summer Camps) for men over 18 years of age 29 4,914
Domestic Training Centres for women and girls 29 922
Vocational Training Centres for juveniles under 18 years of age 5 91