HC Deb 17 December 1936 vol 318 cc2642-3W

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he will give a list of countries with which trade negotiations are now taking place or are in contemplation; and if he will also add a list of those countries with which no trade agreement has been negotiated since the War and with which no negotiations are at present taking place?


Commercial negotiations are taking place with Canada and India. No definite arrangements have been made for negotiations with other countries, but I would refer to the answer given on 25th June in reply to the hon. and gallant Member for Tiverton (Lieut.-Colonel Acland-Troyte) with regard to proposed negotiations with a view to modifying certain agreements which affect the treatment accorded in the United Kingdom to imports of certain foreign agricultural and fishery products. Following is a list of countries with which trade and payments agreements or similar arrangements have been concluded since the War.

I.— British Countries.
Australia. New Zealand
Canada. Southern Rhodesia
India. Union of South Africa.
Irish Free State.

II— Foreign Countries
Argentina. Netherlands.
Brazil. Norway.
Denmark. Peru.
Estonia. Poland.
Finland. Roumania
France. Spain.
Germany. Sweden.
Hungary. Turkey.
Iceland. Uruguay
Italy. U.S.S.R
Latvia. Yugoslavia

Note.—The above-mentioned trade and payments agreements date from 1932 or later. In addition, His Majesty's Government have at various dates concluded commercial treaties of a general character with many countries. These are published by His Majesty's Stationery Office in the "Handbook of Commercial Treaties, etc., with Foreign Powers" which may be consulted in the House of Commons Library.

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