HC Deb 27 May 1935 vol 302 c769W
Colonel ROPNER

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is aware that' for the first four months of this year imports of horses into this country amounted to 3, 163 as against 1, 465 for the same period of 1933, whereas exports of horses fell for the same period to 663 from 580; what proportion of these figures was accounted for by heavy horses as used in agriculture; and whether he is satisfied that the present assistance given by him to heavy horse breeding is adequate both to supply the needs of domestic agriculture and maintain a satisfactory export trade?


I am aware of the position in regard to imports and exports of horses as indicated in the question. I regret that I have no information as to what proportion of the imports or exports consists of horses suitable for agricultural purposes, though I believe that it is quite small in both cases. As regards the third part of the question, I am satisfied that the grants provided to assist heavy horse breeding are sufficient for the purpose of encouraging the production of heavy horses for agricultural purposes. The grants made, however, are limited in amount and are not intended to cover the wide field mentioned by my hon. and gallant Friend.