HC Deb 08 May 1935 vol 301 cc974-6W

asked the Minister of Health whether he will state the number of persons in receipt of public assistance in Glamorganshire, Monmouthshires and Carmarthenshire in 1920 and 1934, with the aggregate amount of relief granted in each year?


The following statement gives the desired information so fas as it is available:

Act to contribute to any organisation established for Advertising the amenities of the British Isles for tourist traffic, and in which cases such contributions are made on this account to the Travel Association of Great Britain and Ireland?


Once an organisation has, under the Local Authorities (Publicity) Act, received my approval local authorities do not have to apply for approval to their contributing to it or to inform me that they are doing so. The information for which my hon. Friend asks in the first part of his question is, therefore, not available in the Ministry, although I understand that more than 250 local authorities are contributing to the Travel and Industrial Development Association. The answer to the second part of his question is that that association is the only organisation which I have so far felt justified in approving for purposes of the Act, and therefore all contributions made by local authorities under the Act must have been made to that association.