HC Deb 29 July 1935 vol 304 cc2309-11W

asked the President of the Board of Trade what were the exports of British produce to each of the countries with which trade agreements have been made within the last three years in 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, and in the first six months of 1935; and for what period the trade embargo with Russia was in operation?


The following statement shows the countries with which agreements have been concluded during the last three years and the dates on which the agreements came into operation.

Country. Date on which Agreement came into operation.
Ottawa Countries:
Canada 20th August, 1932
Australia 20th August, 1932
New Zealand 20th August, 1932
Union of South Africa 20th August, 1932
Newfoundland 20th August, 1932
British India 20th August, 1932
Southern Rhodesia 20th August, 1932
Germany 8th May, 1933
1st November, 1934
Denmark 20th June, 1933
Iceland 28th June, 1933
Norway 7th July, 1933
Sweden 7th July, 1933
Argentine Republic 8th November, 1933
Finland 23rd November, 1933
Soviet Union 21st March, 1934*
France 1st July, 1934
Netherlands 1st August, 1934
Lithuania 12th August, 1934
Estonia 8th September, 1934
Latvia 12th October, 1934
Roumania 25th February, 1935
Poland 14th March, 1935
Brazil 27th March, 1935
Italy 1st May, 1935
Turkey 20th June, 1935
* The balance of payments was regulated as from 1st January, 1934.

The agreements with some of the above countries, e.g., France, the Netherlands and the first of the two agreements with Germany were more limited in application than in other cases.

Particulars of the total exports of the produce and manufactures of the United Kingdom to each of the countries in question during the years 1929–1933 inclusive are shown on pages 145–147 of Volume I of the Annual Statement of Trade for 1933 and provisional figures for the year 1934 on pages 185–188 of the Trade and Navigation Accounts for January last. Corresponding information respecting exports during the first six months of 1935 will appear in the accounts for July, which will be published on 15th August.

The embargo on certain Russian goods imported into the United Kingdom under the Russian Goods (Import Prohibition) Act, 1933, came into operation from the 26th April, 1933, and was revoked by Proclamation as from the 1st July, 1933.