HL Deb 08 July 1935 vol 98 cc61-2WA

asked His Majesty's Government what was the amount in pounds sterling, of the net Excise revenue of India for the years 1931–1932, 1932–1933, and 1933–1934 respectively; what was the recorded consumption of country spirits in 1933–1934 in Bengal, Madras, Bombay, Sind, Bihar and Orissa, the United Provinces, the Punjab, the Central Provinces and Berar, Assam and Burma respectively; and what was the percentage of Excise revenue compared with the total revenue accruing to the Provincial Governments in each case for the year 1933–1934?


The figures are as follows:

1. Net Excise revenue of India (converted into sterling at 1s. 6d. per rupee):

Year £
1931–32 11,143,405
1932–33 11,168,278
1933–34 11,247,655

The revenue is almost entirely received in rupees and the net figures represent gross receipts less refunds. Compensations are shown in the accounts under expenditure and have not been taken into account.

2. Recorded consumption of country spirits in 1933–34:

Proof gallons.
Madras 827,706
*Bombay and Sind
Bengal 246,246
*United Provinces
Punjab 313,116

House adjourned at eight minutes past seven o'clock.

Proof gallons.
Bihar and Orissa 504,233
* *Central Provinces and Berar 305,570
Assam 135,501
* Figure not available.
* *Figure for calendar year 1933.

3. Amount of the gross revenue, the net Excise revenue, and the percentage of net Excise revenue to gross revenue of the Provincial Governments:

Provincial Government. Gross revenue in 1933–34. Net Excise revenue in 1933–34. Percentage of net Excise revenue to gross revenue in 1933–34.
Rs. lakhs. Rs. lakhs.
Madras 1,550.3 428.8 27.7
Bombay 1,460.7 364.4 24.9
Bengal 905.7 134.1 14.8
United Provinces 1,123.6 130.9 11.6
Punjab 1,072.6 94.4 8.8
Burma 825.6 80.2 9.7
Shan States Federation 34.1 0.6 1.8
Bihar and Orissa 496.6 123.8 24.9
Central Provinces and Berar 430.2 57.0 13.2
North-West Frontier Province. 72.3* 8.1 11.2
Assam 200.8 34.6 17.2
Coorg 12.3 2.5 20.3

Compensations have not been deducted from the net revenue figures.

* Excluding subvention from the Central Government.