HC Deb 16 November 1934 vol 293 cc2298-9W

asked the Home Secretary whether he will reconsider the claim of ex-Prison Officer E. Fry, formerly of Parkhurst Prison, for compensation for injuries to his wife and daughter in connection with the murderous assault by a convict who broke away from his working party in 1924 at Parkhurst Prison; what is the amount of pension awarded to the ex-officer; and whether he is aware that Mrs. Fry has had to be again returned to the nursing home after several previous detentions, in respect of which Mr. Fry has been put to very great expense?


Mr. Fry, who retired from the Prison Service in March, 1933, was awarded a pension of £84 12s. 9d. As I have previously stated, neither Mrs. Fry nor Miss Fry received any physical injury from the convict referred to, and, though they may have suffered some shock, I know of no evidence to support the suggestion that Mrs. Fry's recent ill-health is in any way attributable to the occurrence of 1924. An application by Mr. Fry was considered in June last and again in August, but no reason was found to modify the conclusion already reached that there was no ground on which any compensation could properly be paid to him.