HC Deb 15 November 1934 vol 293 cc2157-8W

asked the Home Secretary the pay of the subordinate ranks of the prison staff, with the annual increments, including the engineering staffs?


Prison officers receive in addition to their pay certain emoluments including free quarters or an allowance in lieu. The pay of male officers starts at 44s. 9d. a week and rises by 10 annual increments to 61s. 3d. There are some further increments for men who remain 15 or 20 years in this grade, and there is a higher scale for those promoted to be principal officers. The lowest grade of engineers start at 58s. 10d. a week and rise by nine annual increments to 75s. 2d. There are higher scales for engineers in the more responsible posts. I am sending my hon. Friend a full statement of the various scales.


asked the Home Secretary whether, seeing that he has increased the staff in several of His Majesty's prisons, he will consider increasing the staff at Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum; and whether he is aware that many days of statutory reliefs are due to the staff at the asylum in consequence of a lack of attendants to carry out the duties?


I am making inquiry into the points raised by the hon. Member, and will communicate with him.