HC Deb 07 May 1934 vol 289 cc745-6W

asked the Minister of Transport what restrictions are at present enforced on any existing road haulage contractor from increasing the number of his fleet?


The licensing system introduced under the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933, will, so far as road haulage contractors are concerned, come into operation on the 1st October next, and it will be necessary for hauliers to satisfy the licensing authority as to the

Details of four fatal road accidents in the City of Oxford between 20th November, 1932 and 24th April, 1933.
Date and Time of Accident. Locality and circumstances. Speed alleged. Verdict of Coroner's Jury.
6th December, 1932. 5.20 p.m. (The pedestrian died 24th February, 1933.) COWLEY ROAD.—Built up area—main road. The pedestrian was crossing the road. The motorist failed to give audible warning of approach. Speed estimated by driver and passenger to be 20 m.p.h. "Accidental Death" with rider that there was not enough evidence to justify their either blaming or exonerating the driver.
8th December, 1932. 9.45 a.m. OXFORD ROAD, COWLEY.—Built up area—main road. An elderly pedestrian crossing the road hesitated when partly across. Speed estimated at 10 m.p.h. "Accidental Death." Driver exonerated from all blame.
15th January, 1933. 10.15 p.m. ST. CLEMENT'S STREET.—Built up area—main road. Raining heavily. Pedestrian stepped off the pavement in front of a car unseen by the driver. Speed estimated by the driver at 25 m.p.h. "Accidental Death."
3rd February, 1933. 10 15 p.m. COWLEY ROAD.—Main road. Raining heavily. Motorist overtaking cyclist failed to give warning of approach. The speed was considered to be excessive having regard to the circumstances. The cyclist was carrying an open umbrella. Speed estimated by driver and passenger at 25 m.p.h. (Proceedings under Sections 11 and 12 of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, were taken against driver of car on 17th February, 1933, but were dismissed.) Jury's verdict :—"Accidental Death"; a rider was added "We consider that the driver of the car might have exercised more care owing to the state of the weather.

tonnage for which they make application. As my hon. Friend will be aware, existing hauliers who made the necessary application not later than the 1st of April are, subject to the provisions of the Act, entitled to claim a licence for a fleet of unladen weight equivalent to the maximum which they owned and used in 1932–33.