HC Deb 28 March 1934 vol 287 c1996W

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he can make a statement as to the situation on the frontier between Yunnan, in China, and Burma; whether the frontier is still not delimited in that part; and whether he can state the nature of the Burma prospecting expedition which has crossed the British frontier and entered the disputed territory, and whether it is armed?


The greater part of the frontier between Burma and China is laid down by the Anglo-Chinese Convention of 1897, and has been demarcated. On the small section of this frontier which lies to the east of the Wa States, after an unsuccessful attempt at demarcation by a joint boundary commission, a frontier conforming as closely as possible to the line prescribed by the convention was ascertained by the British Commissioner, and this was communicated to the Chinese Government in 1904. The Government of Burma have recently sent a surveying party to investigate certain areas in the Wa States within the British frontier. It is accompanied by an escort of military police for protection against the tribesmen.