HC Deb 22 June 1934 vol 291 cc689-90W
Marquess of HARTINGTON

asked the Secretary for Mines whether the part-time officers of the Petroleum Department have any employment for that part of their time which is not occupied by their official duties and, if so, what it is; what proportion of their time they devote to their official duties and what to their other duties, if any; and what emoluments they receive in respect of their official duties and of any other duties they may have?


The three officials referred to in my answer to a question by my noble Friend on 26th April, as giving part services to the Petroleum Department, are all established Civil servants employed full time in my Department, of which the Petroleum Department forms part. Some of the work of this Department is of a very responsible character. By combining that work with other duties, the services of more senior officials are obtained than would be justified by the volume of the work of the Petroleum Department alone. Their total annual emoluments are £2,650, of which it is estimated that £1,250 represents the time given to petroleum duties.