HC Deb 21 June 1934 vol 291 cc565-6W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer in terms of sterling the amount of taxation per head of population in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy and the United States of America, respectively, on the latest available date?


Data for a comparison including local taxation are not available for all the countries concerned. The amount of taxation per head for the central government only (excluding States governments in the United States and Germany) in the currencies of the countries concerned is stated below, but my hon. Friend will appreciate that calculations of this kind are an inadequate guide to the true burden.

United Kingdom—£14 17s. 3d.

France—1112 francs (£14 11s. 2d.*).

Germany—111 Reichsmarks (£8 7s. 10d.*).

Italy—387 lire (£6 12s. 4d.*).

United States—30 dollars (£5 19s.*).

* As the foreign figures relate to different 12-monttily periods which have not yet expired it will be obvious that there is no satisfactory method of stating them in sterling. The sterling equivalents given above are valid only for the rates of exchange current on 20th June.

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