HC Deb 28 July 1933 vol 280 cc2971-3W

asked the President of the Board of Trade if any inquiry was conducted into the circumstances attending the death by drowning of Daniel McDermott, lost overboard from the ss. "Lairds Rose," on 24th December,

Lieut.-Colonel COLVILLE

The following statement gives the desired information.

1931; whether he is aware that a witness is prepared to testify that rope lashings were in use as a substitute for steel shackles and that the removal of the ropes resulted in this death; and, if any inquiry was held, what were the findings.

Lieut.-Colonel COLVILLE

The circumstances referred to by the hon. Member were fully investigated by officers of the Department at Glasgow. It is clear that McDermott was washed overboard in heavy weather from a gangway. The guard chains of the gangway were secured to iron stanchions by rope lashings. The gangway was not intended for use by passengers while the vessel was at sea, and was railed off as to prevent passengers from using it. It would appear that the deceased lifted the barrier in the darkness of the night before he could be warned by the seaman on watch.