HC Deb 20 July 1933 vol 280 cc2009-10W

asked the Minister of Health (1) whether he will issue a circular to local authorities recommending the modification or suspension of all by-laws which unnecessarily impede the execution of useful work of a nature to provide employment;

(2) whether, in view of the amount of useful work whose execution is impeded by unnecessary by-laws, he will ask local authorities for an annual estimate of plans submitted to them but rejected as not being in conformity with such bylaws; and whether he will create, with legislative sanction if necessary, an appeal tribunal whose object shall be to consider schemes of work and approve those which they may regard as essential in the public interest, even though not in accord with particular by-law conditions and standards?


In all areas where building is governed by by-laws, those by-laws have been reviewed and brought up to date in recent years. This has been largely brought about by exercising the power which I already possess, to require the revocation of by-laws which impede building, and I doubt whether the specific steps suggested by my hon. Friend are necessary. The pressure which I am bringing to bear on local authorities to keep their by-laws up to date and as little obstructive as possible is continuous, but, as my hon. Friend was informed on Tuesday, I shall be glad to receive any specific information he possesses bearing on the subject of his question.