HC Deb 28 October 1932 vol 269 cc1317-20W

asked the President of the Board of Trade the terms of the Agreement reached between the producers and consumers on the subject of Empire copper?


The terms of this Agreement are as follow:

1. The representatives of producers and of consumers whose names are attached hereto having examined in the light of the Ottawa Agreements the position in regard to sources and supplies of unwrought copper it is agreed—

  1. (a) that the Government should be asked to impose the proposed duty on electrolytic copper on such date as the Government may decide in the light of a report to be made by the Joint Committee not later than 5th November as to the availability to consumers on first sale of adequate supplies of Empire electrolytic copper of the requisite kinds; and
  2. (b) that the Government should be asked to suspend for the time being, the operation of the duty upon copper, other than electrolytic copper, it being understood and announced publicly that with a view to carrying out the policy of safeguarding the United Kingdom market for the Empire producers it is the intention that the ditty should be imposed upon kinds of copper other than electrolytic copper so soon as the Empire producers are in a position to supply to consumers on first sale those kinds of copper in adequate quantities and of the requisite qualities.

2. The intention being to ensure- the progressive change-over from non-Empire to Empire copper, the consumers agree to give every possible assistance to the producers (including the maintenance of a technical committee—on which representatives of the producers will be welcomed—for the study and discussion of the problems arising) in their endeavours to satisfy the consumers' requirements in respect of quality, and further they will from now onward as far as lies in their power purchase from Empire producers in preference to non-Empire suppliers.

3. The producers and the consumers agree to set up a Joint Committee with an independent chairman which will review the position at intervals of not more than three months and to place at the disposal of the Committee any information necessary for that purpose. It is agreed that the Joint Committee shall review the working of the arrangements contemplated by this memorandum sand shall, if necessary, report thereon from time to time to the producers, the consumers and the Government.

4. With regard to world price, the producers and the consumers agree to adopt as world price the London Metal Exchange quotations for copper, exclusive of duty, it being understood (a) that if separate quotations should in future be made for Empire copper and for non-Empire copper, the latter quotations shall be adopted for the purpose of this Agreement, and (b) that neither the producers nor the consumers nor the Government are bound to adhere to this method of determining world price if in future it is found that it does not provide the safeguards contemplated by the Ottawa Agreements.

As regards the question of differentials in the case of fire-refined and Bessemer copper, it is agreed to accept the principle that the United Kingdom consumers shall not be at a disadvantage as compared with foreign consumers.

5. As regards "first sale", it is agreed that this is intended to mean sale by producers and/or by bona fide agents of producers to any consumer.

Signed on behalf of the producers:

H. Gardner, Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company, of Canada.

S. S. Taylor, Rhokona Corporation.

John F. Thompson, The International Nickel Company of Canada Limited.

James G. Murdoch, Noranda Mines Limited.

Arthur D. Storke, Roan Antelope Copper Mines Limited, Mufulira Copper Mines Limited.

Andrew Williamson, Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Company Limited.

G. R. Newman, Messina (Transvaal) Development Company Limited.

Signed on behalf of the consumers:

M. J. Railing, British Electric Manufacturers' Association.

Llewelyn B. Atkinson, Cable Makers' Association.

Verulam, Enfield Rolling Mills Limited.

H. O. Smith, Cold Rolled Brass and Copper Association, High Conductivity Association, Manufactured Copper Association, Brazed Brass Tube Association, Brass and Copper Tube Association, Nickel Silver Association, Cased Tube Association, Brass Wire Association.