§ VISCOUNT SNOWDENasked what were the values of the imports from the United Kingdom into Canada in 1930 or 1931 of each of the articles enumerated in Schedule E of the Ottawa Agreement with Canada, which are admitted free of duty?
§ LORD TEMPLEMOREThe following statement shows, so far as available, the values of the imports from the United Kingdom into Canada in the year ended 30th March, 1932, of each of the articles enumerated in Schedule E of the Ottawa Agreement with Canada which are admitted free of duty.
Articles enumerated in Schedule E of the Ottawa Agreement with Canada. Values of Imports from the U.K. into Canada. Dollars. Oxide of tin or of copper —* Sulphate of zinc and chloride of zinc 20,569 Bisulphate of soda or nitre cake — Calcium chloride, not in solution, for road-treating purposes only 403 Xanthates, cresylic acid and compounds of cresylic acid 444 Ethylene glycol Not available. Bichromate of potash, crude, etc. 1,372 Peroxide of soda, etc 66,502 Chloride of aluminum, or chloralum 644 Sulphate of alumina, etc. 54,731 Stearic acid, n.o.p. 46,119 Acids, n.o.p. Not available, Phosphoric acid Not available. Nitric acid — Sulphuric and muriatic acids — Acid phosphate, not medicinal 4,717 Sulphuric ether and chloroform 12,899 Castile soap 755 Ultramarine blue 103,689 Litharge, other than for battery purposes Not available. Dry red lead, etc. 256,133 Gums 13,015 Essential oils, n.o.p. 121,164 Cotton seed and crude cotton seed oil 385,780 Palm and palm kernel oil, etc. 2,284 Oils 130,546 Earthenware tiles, for roofing purposes 264,183 Tableware of china, etc. 2,335.813 Crucibles of clay, sand or plumbago 39,771 Asbestos in any form other than crude, etc. Not available. Common and colourless window glass 29,947 Glass, in sheets, and bent plate glass, n.o.p. 87,928 Plate glass, not bevelled, in sheets or panes not exceeding seven square feet each, n.o.p. 123,753 Plate glass, not bevelled, in sheets or panes exceeding seven square feet each 68,831 Copper in bars or rods — Aluminium and alloys thereof, crude or semi-fabricated Not available. Nickel in ingots or blocks, etc. 37,221 Rollers, copper 50,993 Ingots, cogged ingots, blooms, slabs, billets, n.o.p., of iron or steel Not available. Bars and rods, of iron or steel; billets, of iron or steel 324,634 Bars of iron or steel, hot rolled Not available. Sash or casement sections of iron or steel Not available. Plates of iron or steel, hot or cold rolled:— (b) More than 66 inches in width, n.o.p. Not available. Sheets of iron or steed, hot or cold rolled, with silicon content of 075 p.c. or More Not available. Hoop steel Not available Sheets, plates, hoop, hand or strip, of iron or steel— (a)Coated with tin, of a class or kind not made in Canada, n.o.p 27,040 (b) Coated with tin, n.o.p. 3,046,017 Sheets, plates, hoop, band or strip, of rust, acid or heat-resisting steels Not available. Sheets. plates, hoop, band or strip, of iron or steel, as here-under defined, under regulations prescribed by the Minister:— (a) Plates 40,650 (m) (i) Sheets of iron or steel — Steel grooved (or girder) rails for electric tramway use Not available. Iron or steel angles, beams, channels, columns, girders,joists, piling, tees, zees, and other shapes or sections, not punched, drilled, or further manufactured than hot rolled, weighing not less than 35 pounds per lineal yard, n.o.p Iron or steel side or centre sill sections 271,392 * Oxide of tin or of copper is included with oxide of cobalt.
Articles enumerated in Schedule E of the Values of Imports front the Ottawa Agreement with Canada. U.K. into Canada. Values of Imports from the U.K. into Canada.
Dollars Forgings of iron or steel Not available. Tires, of steel, in the rough 147,362 Wire, of iron or steel: (a) Barbed fencing, coated or not 10,382 (d) Coated with zinc or spelter, curved or not, in coils 2,126 Malleable sprocket chain and link belting chain, of iron or steel Not available. Cream separators, etc. — Coal cutting machines, n.o.p. Not available. Offset presses, etc. Not available. Flat bed cylinder printing presses, etc Not available. Typewriters and complete parts thereof 12,6.57 Trench and ditch excavating machines Not available. Machinery Not available. Engines for motor trucks or motor omnibuses Not available. Cutlery of iron or steel, plated or not: (c.) Penknives, jack-knives, and pocket knives of all kinds 30,184 (d) Knives, n.o.p. 75,404 (f) Scissors and shears, n.o.p. 9,084 (g) Razors and razor blades 112,175 Motor vehicles, n.o.p. Not available. Motor cycles or sidecars therefore 83,884 Trawls, trawling spoons, etc 89,982 Electric telegraph or telephone apparatus, etc. 288,256 Electric wireless or radio apparatus, etc. 42.288 Electric storage batteries, etc. Not available. Flame proof electric switch gear Not available. Electric steam turbo generator sets 118,551 Steel bicycle rims Not available. Bottles or cylinders of seamless steel Not available. Steel balls Not available. Surgical and dental instruments, etc. Not available. Nitrate and acetate of lead, etc. 6.455 Yarns and warps wholly of cotton, mercerized 228,879 Yarns and warps wholly of cotton, number forty and finer Not available. Woven fabrics wholly of cotton, composed of yarns of counts of 100 or more Not available. Woven fabrics of cotton, not coloured 37,616 Seamless cotton duck — White cotton bobinet, plain, in the web 6,010 Linen thread for hand or machine sewing 223,519 From the four existing linen items marginally named, it is proposed to draft a new linen schedule which will accord to the United Kingdom free entry on a very wide range of fabrics and articles, administration of the new legislation to be on the basis suggested by the following tentative proposals Not available. Woven fabrics, wholly of jute, n.o.p. 8,940 Yarns and warps composed wholly of hair Not available. Woven fabrics, composed wholly or in chief part by weight of yarns of wool or hair, not exceeding in weight four ounces to the square yard Not available. Woven fabrics, consisting of cotton warps with wefts of lustre wool, etc. 79,578 Woven fabric's, composed wholly or in part of yarns of wool or hair, commonly known as billiard cloth Not available. Women's dress gloves or kid, elbow length Not available. Coal, anthracite, n.o.p. 4,764,291 Brass hand instruments, of a class or kind not made in Canada: bagpipes 16,079 Genuine pig leathers, etc. Not available. Leather produced from East India tanned kip, etc. 61,758 (from June 1, 1931). Leather, not further finished than tanned 509 (from August 3, 1931) Indiarubber boots and shoes 943 Fertilizers 14,111 Rubber thread, not covered 56.454
Articles enumerated in Schedule E of the Ottawa Agreement with Canada. Values of Imports from the U.K. into Canada. Dollars Barytes 4,603 Charcoal, animal Not available Mineral wool Not available A new item Not available Hyposulphite of soda 300 Gasoline and steam engines, etc. 17 Cocoanut oil, not edible —