HC Deb 25 February 1932 vol 262 cc572-3W

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies the total imports of manufactured and semi-manufactured goods and also of cotton piece-goods, separately imported from this country, British India, and Japan, respectively, into the mandated territory of Tanganyika during the years 1930 and 1931; and what steps he proposes to take to encurage the imports from the United Kingdom?


Appended are the statistics required. All Government purchases of goods, apart from local produce, are made in this country.

In regard to 1931, the figures cover the 11 months January to November only, later particulars not being available.

1930. 1931. January to November.
Articles wholly or mainly manufactured. £ £
United Kingdom 1,474,983 734,417
British India 248,589 191,325
Japan 264,637 224,344
Cotton piece-goods.
United Kingdom 184,669 79,982
British India 140,813 119,879
Japan 172,552 168,786

As regards the second part of the question the Government purchases all goods for its own use, apart from local produce, in this country.