HC Deb 19 December 1932 vol 273 cc761-2W

asked the hon. Member for Bosworth, as representing the Charity Commissioners, why the Charity Commissioners have made a scheme fur the parish of Diptford, South Devon, for the disbursement of the parish charities, in face of unanimous opposition by the parochial church council and the parish council, and without any public inquiry, by which two-thirds of the profits from property purchased out of the common stock of this parish by the rector and churchwardens, which for centuries has been recognised as an ecclesiastical charity, has now been taken from the parish charity for other objects?


The scheme established on 11th October last for the charity known as the Parish Lands was made on the application of the trustees in accordance with the provisions of the Charitable Trusts Acts. The draft scheme was duly published in the locality. The parish council at first objected, but, on the facts being explained, withdrew their objection. As all the facts were known, there appeared to be no need to incur the unnecessary expense of a public inquiry. The income of the property purchased out of the common stock of the parish was applicable under the trusts on which it was held for three purposes, the repair of the parish church, the relief of the poor of the parish, and such other charitable uses as the trustees should think fit. The scheme apportions the charity between ecclesiastical and non-ecclesiastical purposes in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act and places the ecclesiastical charity under the administration of trustees appointed by the parochial church council and gives the parish council representation to which it is entitled under the said Act on the governing body of the eleemosynary charity. Too large a share has, in fact, in past years frequently been applied to ecclesiastical purposes, but it is not the fact that the scheme takes anything from the church to which the church is legally entitled.