HC Deb 05 December 1932 vol 272 cc1244-6W

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what countries have ratified and what countries have failed to ratify the Convention for limiting the manufacture and regulating the distribution of narcotic drugs; and when it is likely to enter into force?


The following countries have ratified the Convention:

Canada. Sweden.
India. United States of America.

The following countries have acceded to the Convention:

Nicaragua. Sudan.

The following countries, in respect of which the Convention was signed, have not yet ratified:

Argentina. Hejaz and Nejd.
Austria. Italy.
Belgium. Japan.
Bolivia. Liberia.
Brazil. Lithuania.
Chile. Luxembourg.
Costa Rica. Mexico.
Cuba. Monaco.
Czechoslovakia. Netherlands.
Danzig. Panama.
Denmark. Paraguay.
Dominican Republic. Poland.
Egypt. San Marino.
Ethiopia. Siam.
France. Spain.
Germany. Switzerland.
Greece. Uruguay.
Guatemala. Venezuela.

At the meeting of the Fifth Committee to the Assembly in October last, the delegates of a number of these countries announced the intention of their Governments to ratify shortly. His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom have taken all necessary legislative action to enable the Convention to be ratified within the stipulated time limit, and have announced their decision to proceed to ratification. In view of the announcements made at the Fifth Committee, referred to above, it is hoped that a sufficient number of ratifications will have been deposited to enable the Convention to come into force before the date stipulated in the Protocol of Signature, namely, 13th July, 1933.