§ The Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) Act, 1932, became law on 4th July, 1932, its provisions being in part made retrospective to 21st April. The Act established a system of export bounties on certain milk products to be paid from funds derived from levies on butter production. As from 1st August the working of the Act was modified. From that date subsidies derived from public funds began to be paid. The position in regard to different milk products may be stated as follows:
§ Creamery Butter.—From 1st August the Irish Free State Government guaranteed to creameries a price of 117s. f.o.r. for exported butter. This involved the payment of a substantial subsidy. Payment of the subsidy was suspended so far as exports to the United Kingdom are concerned as from 9th November.
§ Factory Butter.—The subsidy paid after 1st August was at the rate of 20s. per cwt. It is understood that after 8th November an adjustment was made to correspond to the increase in the duty chargeable in the United Kingdom.
1148W§ Bulk Cream.—Under the Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) Act, a bounty was paid on bulk cream at the rate of 2d. per lb. of the butter equivalent of the cream. From 1st August a subsidy has been paid at the rate of lid. per gallon of cream with butter fat content up to 52.9 per cent. and of 1s. per gallon of cream with butter fat content of 53 per cent. or over.
§ Tinned Cream.—The bounty under the Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) Act was calculated on the same basis as in the case of bulk cream (up to 31st July). From 1st August a subsidy has been paid at the rate of:
- 1s. 6d. per case of 48 5-oz, or 6-oz. tins; and
- 2s. 6d. per case of 48 10-oz. or 12-oz. tins.
§ Condensed Milk and Dried Milk.—The bounty under the Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) Act was as in the other cases detailed above calculated on the basis of the butter fat content. A subsidy of equivalent amount is still being paid.