HC Deb 31 July 1931 vol 255 c2644W
Duchess of ATHOLL

asked the President of the Board of Trade what quantities of bacon and butter, respectively, have been imported from the Soviet Union since 31st March last; and what quantities of canned tomatoes, tomato pulp, canned cherries, and glacé cherries have been imported this year from the same country?


The total quantities of bacon and butter imported into the United Kingdom and registered during the three months ended 30th June as consigned from the Soviet Union amounted to 6,515 cwts. and 69,761 cwts. respectively. During the first six months of 1931 the imports of canned tomatoes, including tomato pulp, from the Soviet Union amounted to 4,405 cwts. Similar particulars regarding canned and glacé cherries are not separately recorded.

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