HC Deb 27 July 1931 vol 255 cc1958-9W

asked the Minister of Labour the number of persons, specifying men, women, boys, and girls, on the Employment Exchanges of Devonport and Plymouth, respectively, for the month of June, 1931?


The following table shows the number of persons on the registers of the Employment Exchanges at Plymouth and Devonport, respectively, on each Monday in June, 1931.

is now suffering from tuberculosis as a result of having been gassed during the War; that his case has been prejudiced through delay in holding a medical examination owing to Mr. King having been technically a deserter after the Armistice; that he was transferred to the Labour Corps owing to physical disability in the War; that there was no tendency to consumption in Mr. King's family; that several doctors have certified his present state of health as being due to his War service; and whether he will take such further action as may enable a pension to be granted?


This case has been the subject of very careful consideration on more than one occasion, and I can assure the right hon. Gentleman that the decision of the Ministry has not in any way been influenced by the desertion mentioned. No application was received from Mr. King until more than seven years after the end of his service, and his case was dealt with under the arrangements made for dealing with late claims. He was medically examined and given every opportunity of bringing forward all evidence and information in support of his claim, and before his application was finally determined the case was most carefully reviewed, in all its aspects, in consultation with an eminent specialist entirely independent of the Ministry. I was advised, however, that the evidence does not permit of Mr. King's application being accepted by the Ministry, and I regret, therefore, that the case is not one in which I can take further action. I may add that there is no record that Mr. King was gassed, and his transfer to the Labour Corps followed a period of treatment for synovitis of the knee.

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