§ Mr. HANNONasked the Secretary of State for War the expenditure incurred by his Department on surgical instruments and appliances during the last financial year, or the latest year for which such information is available, and how much of this expenditure is in respect of purchases of foreign instruments; and whether he is prepared to give instructions that British-made instruments are to be purchased whenever they can be obtained in this country at a competitive price and of a comparable quality?
§ Mr. SHAWThe latest year for which complete information can be given is the year ended 31st March, 1930. During that year, £4,428 6s. was spent on the purchase of surgical instruments and appliances, and this total included £18 7s. 6d. in respect of foreign equipment. It is the policy of the Department to buy British-made instruments whenever a suitable quality can be obtained at a competitive price.
§ Mr. HANNONasked the First Lord of the Admiralty the expenditure incurred by his Department on surgical instruments and appliances during the last financial year, or the latest year for which such information is available, and how much of this expenditure is in respect of purchases of foreign instruments; and whether he is prepared to give instructions that British-made instruments are to be purchased whenever they can be obtained in this country at a competitive price and of a comparable quality?
§ Mr. AMMONThe sum expended by the Admiralty on surgical instruments and appliances during the financial year 1930 was £4,400, of which less than £60 was in respect of purchases of foreign instruments. The policy advocated in the second part of the question is that already followed by the Admiralty.