HC Deb 15 July 1931 vol 255 cc472-3W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, whether any grants have been made from the Colonial Development Fund for railway development in. Nigeria?


A grant from the Colonial Development Fund has been approved towards the cost of re-aligning and relay- ing the Minna-Kaduna section of the Nigerian Railway. The contribution consists of free grants of the interest paid for seven years on such moneys, not exceeding £420,000, as it may be necessary for the Colonial Government to raise to meet the cost of the work.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies for what reasons the Nigerian Government placed contracts for certain railway works between Minna and Kaduna Junction with outside contractors at a time when, owing to shortage of work, the Nigerian Government is reducing the number of European foremen and engineers in its direct employ; and how the lowest tenders for this work of the local British and native Nigerian contractors compared with the tender accepted from a local Italian firm of contractors?


I have not the information necessary to enable me to answer either part of the question. The Governor of Nigeria is being asked for a report.