HC Deb 26 January 1931 vol 247 cc616-8W

asked the President of the Board of Education what representatives were called to the conference convened by him to negotiate terms for the settlement of the religious matters arising out of the Education Bill; and why no representative body from Wales was invited to take part?

1931. Sir C. TREVELYAN

The names of the 20 persons, whom I invited to the Conference, as being likely to prove representative of the five major interests involved in England and Wales are set out below. I did not consider that the conditions in Wales were in this respect sufficiently distinctive to justify my increasing the representation of each of these interests by inviting persons specially representative of Wales, as such.

Names of Persons invited to the Conference on Voluntary Schools held onth andth January,

Church of England:

  • The Most Rev. and Right Hon. The Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, G.C.V.O., D.D. (prevented by illness from attending).
  • Sir W. Henry Hadow, C.B.E., D.Mus.
  • Mr. R. Holland.
  • Lieut.-Colonel R. E. Martin, C.M.G.

Free Churches:

  • Rev. M. E. Aubrey, M.A.
  • Rev. J. D. Jones, D.D., C.H.
  • Rev. W. Lewis Robertson, D.D.
  • Rev. H. B. Workman, D.D., D.Litt.

Roman Catholic Church:

  • His Eminence Cardinal Francis Bourne, Archbishop of Westminster.
  • The Most Rev. The Archbishop of Cardiff.
  • Mr. F. N. Blundell, D.L., J.P.
  • Mr. J. Scurr, M.P.

Local Education Authorities:

  • Alderman J. H. S. Aitken.
  • Alderman F. Askew, J.P.
  • Major A. Leycester-Penrhyn.
  • Mr. James Graham, Ph.D.


  • Mrs. Leah Manning, J. P.
  • Mr. Angus Roberts.
  • Mr. F. Mander.
  • Mr. F. W. Goldstone, M.A.


asked the President of the Board of Education if he can give any estimate of the sum at issue in meeting the claims put forward under the Education (School Attendance) Bill by the representatives of the non-provided schools?


No, Sir. The claims have not been put forward in a form that would enable my right hon. Friend to frame an estimate. It is, however, clear that it would in many cases be an economy of public funds if a local authority were enabled to make a contribution to the improvement of the premises of a non-provided school where it would otherwise be necessary for them to incur far greater expenditure on the provision of a new school.


asked the President of the Board of Education what is the amount paid by local education authorities towards non-provided schools and Roman Catholic schools in Wales from funds provided by rates and what grant is given by the Board of Education for such purposes, giving each item of payment separately?


The returns submitted to me do not enable me to distinguish the expenditure incurred by local education authorities on the maintenance of non-provided schools from that incurred on the maintenance of provided schools. The expenditure ranks for grant as part of the expenditure on elementary education generally.