HC Deb 26 November 1930 vol 245 c1338W

asked the hon. Member for Carlisle, as representing the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, what is the annual total sum now accruing to Queen Anne's Bounty and the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in respect of tithe rent-charges in England; and what is the estimated total sum that would accrue if the tithes were gathered in on the originally fixed basis?


I am not in a position to give any answer on behalf of Queen Anne's Bounty. The total gross annual value of the tithe rentcharge in collection by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners at the close of the last rental year (to 31st March, 1929) for which accounts have been received was £287,000. I have no information to enable me to say what would be the value to-day of the tithes in kind for which these rentcharges were substituted under the Tithe Act, 1836.