HC Deb 19 November 1930 vol 245 cc447-8W

asked the Minister of Agriculture, in respect of the year 1929, the total amount of the grants paid to local authorities in England and Wales for each of the following services, namely, county agricultural committees, administration; agricultural education, capital expenditure and annual expenditure, respectively; recoupment of compensation paid for animals slaughtered in pursuance of orders relating to tuberculosis in cattle under the Diseases of Animals Act, 1925; recoupment of losses incurred by small holdings authorities under the Small Holdings and Allotments Acts, 1908 to 1925; recoupment of losses incurred under the Small Holdings and Allotments Act, 1926; and afforestation?


The amounts paid to local authorities in England and Wales in the financial year 1929 in respect of the services mentioned were as under:

County Agricultural Committees—Administration 1,343
Agricultural Education:
(i) Capital Expenditure (Farm Institutes) 4,716
(ii) Annual Expenditure 179,759
Recoupment (75 per cent.) of compensation paid for animals slaughtered in pursuance of Orders relating to Tuberculosis in Cattle 36,375
Recoupment of losses incurred by Smallholdings Authorities under
(i) the Smallholdings and Allotments Acts, 1908 to 1925 1755,757*
(ii) the Smallholdings and Allotments Act, 1926 5,307
Afforestation does not come within the province of my Department but I am informed that the amount paid by the Forestry Commission in afforestation grants to local authorities in 1929 was 238
* Two years' payments (1928 in arrear and 1929).

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