HC Deb 04 November 1930 vol 244 cc684-5W

asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs the names of the lecturers at present employed by the Empire Marketing Board; the salaries paid; the number of lectures given; and the subjects thereof?


The names of the lecturers at present employed by the Empire Marketing Board are as follow:

  • Professor J. R. Ainsworth Davis, M.A., M.Sc.
  • Mr. Andrew Buchanan, J.P., M.B.E.
  • Mrs. H. F. Buchanan.
  • Mrs. N. A. Clowes.
  • Lieut.-Col. T. S. Cox, F.R.G.S.
  • Mr. Harold Feber, B.Sc.
  • Miss E. Gregg.
  • Dr. L. Haden Guest, M.C.
  • Mr. J. Nugent Harris.
  • Commander the Hon. S. Hay, R.N. (Retired), O.B.E.
  • Miss Y. M. Herbert-Smith.
  • Mr. D. L. Kelleher.
  • Mr. W. Marriott.
  • Mr. S. J. Milton, F.R.G.S.
  • Mr. A. E. Smith.
  • Mrs. G. Skelton.
  • Mr. R. K. Sorabji.
  • Miss L. E. Walter, M.B.E.
  • Mr. W. M. Webb, F.L.S.

These officers are not in receipt of salaries, but are remunerated by way of agreed fees in respect of each lecture delivered. During the current lecture year (from 1st May to 31st October, 1930) 268 lectures have been delivered under the Board's auspices. The subjects of these lectures have been:

  • Various Empire countries and their products.
  • The National Mark.
  • Empire Marketing in general, and The work of the Empire Marketing Board.